Sunday, April 30, 2017

3D to 2D

For this final project, I wanted to take my memento and create a checkered board look in the 2 dimension. I took pictures of each of the sides and traced them in illustrator. I then duplicated each shape many times until a full checker board look appeared. Each side represents a different person in my family so this project reiterates the idea of family and hopefully one day the continuation of the family line. 

In process: 


Momento (See Memento project for materials) 
iPhone Camera
Adobe illustrator 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Balsa Wood Sculptures


Center Focus: 


This project taught various elements of 3-D work. I focused on three in particular: Texture, Center Focus, and Repetition. For the first piece, I chose to create loops out of wood glue and add texture with pins and woven rubber bands. I also added texture to the side of the wood by using the saw to create ruts in the side. For the Center Focus, I created a larger cube shape with a focus on the piece in the center that I created out of dried wood glue in a balsa wood frame with beads inside the glue. Finally, the piece for repetition had triangle bond paper shapes with wood glue that I shaped into squares. I also continued the repetition idea by cutting the wood into similar shapes as the shapes on top. These pieces showed three elements of the three dimension using minimal materials. 

In process: 



Approx. 4 in x 3 in x 3.5 in 

Center Focus: 

Approx. 6 in x 6 in x 4.5 in 


Approx. 6 in x 3 in x 2.5 in 


Balsa Wood
Wood Glue
Masking Tape
White Bond Paper
Beads (Compromised on) 
Rubber bands (Compromised on) 

Map Relief

For my map relief I chose to focus on a topic that I am very passionate about. I found pictures of orphans dating from the earliest days of photography to present and printed them out in black and white to use as my back layer and inspiration. I then used the white bond paper to create different boxes based on the various photos. For example, in one picture, children were standing behind white bars that looked like small squares so I cut one long box into white squares to represent that photo of the bondage that these children were in. The boxes varied in sizes just like the children in the orphan care systems vary in ages and backgrounds. In the center box, I placed an image of each of the countries with the highest number of orphan children. These countries include several in Africa, China, India, and Indonesia. This project truly opened my eyes to the need for adoption and orphan care around the world and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to create art that had to do with something that I care so much about. 

In process: 


2 feet x 6 in x 1 foot (length, width, height) 


White Bond Paper
eXacto Knife
Printed images
Brown Paper
Clear Tape
Foam Board 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Soap Carvings

Julie and Charles the Pandas 

In process: 


Approx. 4 in x 1.5 in x 3 in (length, width, height)


Two bars of soap
Sculpture to model after 
Carving materials
Brown paper 



My memento is inspired by my family because of the way that they have shaped me thusfar in my twenty years of life. I chose to create a cube because it has six sides, just like I have six people in my family. Each side is different and represents a different family member and together they all make up one shape. The side with the brass screw represents my father because the brass represents the financial role my father plays in my family, as he is the breadwinner. Across from him is the side with four small holes in it. This side represents my mother as she had four children and has given each of us a little piece of her heart. One side is dented and has a faint design in it. That side is my oldest brother as he has acted as the "guinea pig" of the family and been through trials and tribulations to be where he is today. Across from him is my youngest brother as he is virtually the opposite of my oldest brother. He has a distinct, pristine, design carved in him as he is young, bright, athletic, and still figuring out who he is. The final two sides are my sister and myself. The side with the square cut out of it is myself as I am the creator of the cube and believe that when you look through the square hole, you can see the rest of my family. Across from my side is my younger sister who also has a whole in hers but it is in the shape of a triangle. She is the third child, just like a triangle has three sides, and is very similar to me in many ways. The cube is painted black because it is sleek and represents the fact that no family is perfect. 

In process: 


2 in x 2 in x 2 in


Wood glue (does not count in three material requirement) 
Black spray paint
Brass screw 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Masked Identity

This project seeks to draw attention to the way that women are treated in the middle-east, specifically in Muslim culture. The inspiration behind this drawing is a Muslim Hijab. I chose the color black because of the colors of the traditional Muslim Hijab. I chose tulle as the overlay because though it is black and fabric, just like a traditional Hijab, it is see-through, which contradicts the main purpose of the hijab, which is to act as a curtain or partition between women and the rest of society. In the first section of my three part series, I chose to have my model pose head-on facing the camera. I photoshopped her in front of a dirty window because that is the Renaissance symbol that I chose. The dirty window represents a polluted body. This symbol also ties in with my next two photos in the series which is why the woman is considered to have a polluted body. If a women drives in a car, she can be sentenced to death by her husband or father because she has broken Muslim law and is thus polluted. While some believe that the hijab is beneficial for women in Muslim cultures to wear because it promotes modesty and purity, others believe that it is restrictive and that changes need to be made in Muslim culture to fit with modern day culture and practicality. As a woman in the United States of America, I believe that women standing up for each other to be treated equally as men is something necessary and good, but I think that there is so much more oppression of women around the world that we need to be aware of so that we can be advocates for the fair treatment of women all around the world. 

In process photos: 


Approx. 12 in x 6 in x 12 in (at highest, deepest, and longest point) 


16 gauge galvanized raw wire 
Tracing paper and gel medium 
Black Spray Paint 
Black Tulle 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Masking Tape Shoes

In process: 


Approx. 8 in x 8 in x 4 in


An old pair of shoes
Masking Tape (two sizes)

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Memento - On Longing

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

Sitting on a boat in front of the bridge, I look as big as the bridge.

"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of an authentic experience."

Walking out of Magic Kingdom with one of these balloons shows the world that you were in Disney.

"The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three dimensional into the miniature. That which can be enveloped by the body."

A small polaroid photo makes three people and a blue van able to fit in the palm of my hand.

"Nostalgia can be sustained without loss."

In this photo I was able to show a sense of nostalgia. Photos are the best way to show nostalgia and that there is no sense of loss.

"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and trophy."

When I think exotic I think of exotic animals. These birds come to my mind. They are a specimen of the day I had at the zoo and a trophy that I was able to feed them in my hand.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Touch - First Touches

Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight. Touch cells in the lips make nursing possible, clutch mechanisms in the hands begin to reach out for warmth. Among other things, touch teaches us the difference between I and other, that there can be someone outside of ourselves, the mother. The first emotional comfort, touching and being touched by our mother, remains the ultimate memory of selfless love, which stays with us life long.

One of the greatest feelings in the world is when an infant who is exploring his or her sense of touch, latches on to your finger and will not let go. It’s the letting go that is the hard part. I always want those moments to last longer. It reminds me of innocence, of love, affection, and all things new in the world.

Touch - Kissing


We don’t just kiss romantically, of course; we also kiss [as] a good-luck charm

Young women press lipsticked mouths to the backs of envelopes so that all the tiny lines will carry like fingerprint kisses to their sweethearts

A kiss on the mouth is another form of intercourse, and it’s not surprising that it should make the mind and body surge with gorgeous sensations

We kissed timelessly, because lovers throughout the ages knew our longing
We kissed wildly, almost painfully, with tough, soul-stealing rigor;
We kissed elaborately, as if we were inventing kisses for the first time;
We kissed shamelessly, with all the robust sappiness of youth;
We kissed as if kissing could save us from ourselves.

In this moment, I realized that there was so much more to kissing than what I had ever experienced or thought of before. As I searched through a sea of tan for the one soldier I loved, I cheered alongside a dozen other girls who were doing the same thing. When he ran to the other side of the road and put his sweaty hands on my waist, the world stopped. While probably one of our shortest kisses, this is one that will last a lifetime as our touch in that moment felt more real than ever before. The sense of touch that electrifies you from the moment of contact, lip to lip, all the way until he's rounded the curve and long gone.