Saturday, January 14, 2017

Touch - First Touches

Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight. Touch cells in the lips make nursing possible, clutch mechanisms in the hands begin to reach out for warmth. Among other things, touch teaches us the difference between I and other, that there can be someone outside of ourselves, the mother. The first emotional comfort, touching and being touched by our mother, remains the ultimate memory of selfless love, which stays with us life long.

One of the greatest feelings in the world is when an infant who is exploring his or her sense of touch, latches on to your finger and will not let go. It’s the letting go that is the hard part. I always want those moments to last longer. It reminds me of innocence, of love, affection, and all things new in the world.

Touch - Kissing


We don’t just kiss romantically, of course; we also kiss [as] a good-luck charm

Young women press lipsticked mouths to the backs of envelopes so that all the tiny lines will carry like fingerprint kisses to their sweethearts

A kiss on the mouth is another form of intercourse, and it’s not surprising that it should make the mind and body surge with gorgeous sensations

We kissed timelessly, because lovers throughout the ages knew our longing
We kissed wildly, almost painfully, with tough, soul-stealing rigor;
We kissed elaborately, as if we were inventing kisses for the first time;
We kissed shamelessly, with all the robust sappiness of youth;
We kissed as if kissing could save us from ourselves.

In this moment, I realized that there was so much more to kissing than what I had ever experienced or thought of before. As I searched through a sea of tan for the one soldier I loved, I cheered alongside a dozen other girls who were doing the same thing. When he ran to the other side of the road and put his sweaty hands on my waist, the world stopped. While probably one of our shortest kisses, this is one that will last a lifetime as our touch in that moment felt more real than ever before. The sense of touch that electrifies you from the moment of contact, lip to lip, all the way until he's rounded the curve and long gone.